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Yajatra Kulkarni – University of Iowa

Yajatra Kulkarni – University of Iowa

Student: Yajatra Kulkarni, Undergraduate Student in Mechanical Engineering, University of Iowa

Research Mentor: Casey Harwood

Kinematic Shape Sensing of Two-Dimensional Plates in Bending

This project aims to extend strain-based kinematic shape sensing from 1-D beams to 2-D plates.

Kinematic shape sensing methods use discrete measurements of strain to infer structural deformations using purely geometric/kinematic models. This is computationally efficient, independent of structural material properties, and extremely accurate when applied to certain geometries. Previous efforts have focused upon the deformations of long, slender, beam-like bodies, which were dubbed “shape-sensing spars”. These spars were used as sensors by inserting them into flexible wings to track deformations and perform novel fluid-structure interaction experiments. A next step in novel shape sensing would be to extend the instrumentation from beam-like structures to 2-dimensional plates, which would allow structures like ship hulls, tank walls, or airplane fuselage panels to be monitored with unprecedented rigor.

This research focuses on extending a kinematic reconstruction algorithm to 2D applications and investigating optimal sensor placement and produce a prototype of an instrumented panel. Experiments will be performed to validate the kinematic reconstruction of both static and dynamic deformations imposed on the plate with known boundary conditions.

2022-2023, Undergraduate