While experiencing zero gravity in space, astronauts without proper exercise will begin to develop muscle atrophy which can limit their ability to return to Earth safely. To combat this problem, researchers have suggest the use of centripetal force to mimic the gravitation force on Earth. However, this also comes with a host of problems both financially and physically. MISSFIT’s Artificial Gravity group works towards a new model of artificial gravity that will be both affordable to build, practical for space travel, and avoid negative health effects. The model prototype is currently being worked on right now, with much progress towards a finished prototype being made over the past few months.
Tristian Parmerlee – Drake University
Student: Tristian Parmerlee, Undergraduate Student in Physics, Astronomy, and Math, Drake University
Research Mentor: Athanasios Petridis

MISSFIT – Artificial Gravity Model for Interplanetary Space Travel
2023-2024, Undergraduate