Tepary Cooley – Drake University

Stability of the genetic material is critical for all organisms including human beings. Exposure to radioactivity adversely affects genome stability by causing random breaks in the DNA backbone, leading to cell death. In humans, such breaks are predominantly repaired by an enzyme, DNA Ligase IV, via a random non-homologous end joining process. Thus, Ligase IV plays an important role in maintaining genetic stability. As a result, Ligase IV also makes it harder to treat cancer by inducing double stranded DNA breaks. Understanding the role of DNA ligase IV in cancer cells is critical to developing effective treatments. This project will study the effects that DNA damage has on the levels of Ligase IV in human cancer cell. The lines HTB-19, HTB-20, and HTB-26 will be used as model cells for this project. These cells will be treated with varying concentrations of radiomimetic drugs (compounds that mimic the effect of radiation by initiating DNA double-strand breakage). After the treatment the level and function of Ligase IV will be analyzed with respect to cell viability.

Hannah Cochran – Iowa State University

Batteries are constantly developing as our society advances. Studies show that solid-state electrolytes have numerous benefits compared to the typical liquid electrolyte. More specifically, glassy solid-state electrolytes are a strong contender because they have lower processing temperatures, are less likely to form dendrites, and have greater chemical flexibility. Glassy solid-state electrolytes are also safer because they are less flammable, can store a greater amount of energy, have a longer life cycle, and can be made smaller than an average battery. The main issue with glassy solid-state electrolytes is their inability to retain good contact between both ends of the battery due to their thickness. To combat this, the glass needs to be drawn into a thin film so it can have a comparable amount of contact to a liquid electrolyte. I am helping to create different kinds of lithium-based glasses that are extensively tested using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Raman spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). These tests allow us to become closer to finding the best possible chemistry for glassy solid-state electrolytes.

Anna Braun – Drake University

Exposure to radiation causes double-stranded breaks (DSBs) in human DNA, leading to many types of cancers. Humans are at risk of radiation exposure through medical examinations, treatments, nuclear accidents, and space travel. Thus, investigating the effects of radiation-induced DNA damage is important for finding new ways to protect humans from radiation-induced disorders. Last year, I investigated the effects of DSBs on B-Raf, an important signaling protein involved in cell growth and DNA repair pathways using human cancer cells as models. These cells were treated with doxorubicin, a radiomimetic drug (a compound that mimics radiation and creates DSBs in cells).

My results clearly show a concentration-dependent reduction specifically in the B-Raf protein levels. This decrease in B-Raf levels also correlates with the formation of DSBs in the treated cells. The mechanisms underlying this specific reduction of B-Raf levels due to doxorubicin treatment are unclear. During this scholarship, I intend to analyze the effects of doxorubicin treatment on Ras protein, which is essential for forming functional heterodimers with B-Raf. Additionally, I will also examine the effects of doxorubicin on the levels of B-Raf and Ras mRNA. My studies would shed new light on understanding the effects of DSBs due to radiation exposure, leading to new developments for protection against radiation exposure for astronauts and other space travelers. Additionally, these studies may further improve therapeutic applications of radiomimetic drugs, like doxorubicin, in the treatment of various cancers.

Abigail Bangs– University of Northern Iowa

Samples were collected at Wind Cave National Park on multiple different trips. As the team goes deeper and deeper into the cave, the goal is to actively trace the types of microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, and archaea) throughout the cave. The process to obtain genus- and species-level identification of these samples utilizes PCR amplification of different sections of their genomic DNA followed by sequencing analysis. The objective of this project is to make a genetic map of the Wind Cave microbial system that includes public tour routes as well as deep wild cave regions, including previously reported lake extremophiles. This effort will determine how genetically unique or isolated the lake system is and what influence surface microbes and anthropogenic contamination from cave explorers may have had on the subterranean microbiome. An initial phylogenetic tree showing the relatedness of the identified microorganisms is presented. This project is based upon work supported by the Iowa Space Grant Consortium under NASA Award No. 80NSSC20M0107.