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Michael Alan Jacks Jr. – Iowa State University

Michael Alan Jacks Jr. – Iowa State University

Student: Michael Alan Jacks Jr., Graduate Student in Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State University

Research Mentor: Dr. Kristen Yvonne Rozier

Pacti and R2U2 Integration – Formal Methods for the Common Engineer

Pacti is a design-time tool for engineers that lets them create Assume Guarantee contracts with components in their system. Currently used by NASA and many others. R2U2 or the Realizable Responsible Unobtrusive Unit is a very powerful runtime verification tool currently used by NASA and others that is a mission time tool. The integration here is to have R2U2 monitors generated from the contracts generated by Pacti. This allows for verifying the system operates in real-time exactly the way the engineer designed it. Without the need to learn a whole new formal methods language and how to use a new tool. By empowering a broader range of users, this tool has the potential to detect mission-critical issues early, reducing the risk of mission failure. 

2024-2025, Graduate