Precollege (K-12 Educators)
To engage more pre-college organizations in the statewide Partner Schools program
To ensure sustained Iowa representation in the American Junior Academy of Science through the Iowa Academy of Science
To conduct statewide STEM professional development, pre-service and in-service training for formal and non-formal educators working in K-12 schools who use NASA content

ISGC Precollege Programs
2023 Partner Schools Program
– Soon to be released! Check back soon for updates.
The Iowa Space Grant Consortium (ISGC) announces an exciting opportunity for Iowa educators. The ISGC sponsors Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) school partnerships to help connect schools to learning opportunities that move the NASA mission forward and increase awareness of STEM careers, especially at NASA. Click the link above for the application packet.
Inspiring Iowa’s Future Explorer’s
Funding Opportunities
The Iowa Space Grant Consortium (ISGC) supports researchers at affiliated universities and colleges in Iowa with expertise in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), education and outreach. The ISGC seeks researchers in engineering, Earth and space science, astronomy, and other STEM areas of interest to NASA. These faculty grants will allow award recipients to obtain the preliminary results needed to support larger proposals to NASA and other federal or non-federal funding agencies. The intent is to assist with production of NASA-related scholarship and/or intellectual properties such as patents and licenses. The ISGC encourages collaborations with NASA to support research that is aligned with the NASA Mission Directorates (MD):