Have you heard of NASA’s Community College Aerospace Scholars program? A new NCAS mission is about to begin!
U.S. community college students are invited to take part in a five-week self-paced online course.
Have you heard of NASA’s Community College Aerospace Scholars program? A new NCAS mission is about to begin!
U.S. community college students are invited to take part in a five-week self-paced online course.
Announcing the 2023 NASA Fundamental Physics Workshop! Save the date for May 23-25, 2023 in Santa Barbara, California.
The workshop will focus on transformative fundamental physics research and new space experimentation. The National Academies Decadal Survey on Biological and Physical Sciences Research in Space 2023-2032 is expected to be released in June 2023.
All interested scientists, researchers, and government agency representatives are invited to participate. The participation of the current NASA-funded investigators or their representatives is kindly requested. Workshop participants are invited to submit abstracts for contributed talks and posters as part of their registration.
SSTFI is the largest STEM competition in Iowa for 5-12th grade youth. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided.
The State Science & Technology Fair of Iowa (SSFTI), a program of Iowa 4-H, is inviting you to come judge the 66th annual fair. Held at Hilton Coliseum, the SSTFI is an opportunity for youth in 6-12th grade to share their STEM research projects and compete for over $80,000 in prizes, awards, scholarships, and a chance to win a trip to the International Science & Engineering Fair to present their research.
Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are provided along with the opportunity to find out about research going on around the state! Please consider signing up to help.
Read the NASA Economic Impact Report! NASA’s Economic Benefit Reaches All 50 States. Iowa is featured on pages 162-165 on the full report. Please visit HERE to view both the summary and full study of the report.
Quick facts on the report:
Attention all Iowa Educators, Save the Date for Astro Camp 2023! New Curriculum for 2023! Registration for the NASA Astro Camp program is now open, and the link is provided below. NASA Astro Camp lessons consist of student-centered, standards-based STEM activities that utilize NASA resources to give to educators, leaders, and facilitators. With this opportunity, you will learn new STEM lessons to bring back to your classroom and be provided with engaging and high-quality learning experiences. Free registration ends April 17th, 2023.
Iowa Space Grant Consortium, along with affiliate partners, will sponsor a limited number of hotel rooms for educators to stay in for Astro Camp before the conference on May 11th at the Ames Gateway Hotel. This will be a first come first serve basis. We hope you will join us for Astro Camp 2023! If you have questions, please direct them to Iowa NASA EPSCoR Program Assistant, Hailey Waller at hewaller@iastate.edu
The next launch window for Artemis 1 opens November 16th and is scheduled for approximately 10pm pacific time on November 15th. Use the Artemis 1 STEM Learning Pathway and/or the Artemis public outreach resources to learn more! This includes activities, graphics, videos, and much more.