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Matthew McDonnell – Johnson Space Center

Matthew McDonnell – Johnson Space Center

School & Major: University of Iowa – Biomedical Engineering

Internship Information: Johnson Space Center – Flight Software Development

What were the final goals of your project?

We got the variables we’d like to use isolated but are looking now at testing the algorithm with real people. This requires time with approvals through IRB and extended beyond the end of the fall term.

Describe what you did during the internship.

This fall, I worked independently on developing a new algorithm that can measure energy expenditure (calories burned) during zero-g exercise.

Did you achieve your goals? What were the results?

I made good progress on the research. I knew that it was something that 3 months wasn’t enough to complete, so I’m proud of the progress we made and look forward to seeing how it develops in the future!

Describe positive lessons learned.

I learned a lot about the research process, what it’s like to be my own PI, and how to talk about research with people who might not understand all the mechanics.

Describe negative lessons learned.

I had exposure to what a virtual internship is like, and it wasn’t the best experience. I was able to make excellent progress on my work, sure – but the “NASA intern experience” was lacking simply from not being on-site by all the cool stuff!

What impact did this internship have on you?

This is my first formalized research experience, and it’s had such a great impact so far on my appreciation for the scientific process! Nothing like this has been done before and it is fascinating to be on the cutting edge of new developments in such a great field.

2023 Fall Final Reports, Internship Report