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Academic Affiliation Criteria

Community College

Annual Fee

Must be an Iowa State Board of Education governed community college with an articulation agreement with an ISGC core institution.

Affiliation Process

Formal letter for application submitted to director for review. Director will put appropriate requests forward to Executive Committee for vote.


Listed as an ISGC affiliate with networking authorities. Provide one primary point of contact/campus coordinator for representation with ISGC main office. Partnerships with core institution on activities, events and outreach that align with ISGC’s mission. Students may apply for Undergraduate Merit Scholarships, Preservice STEM Educator Scholarships, and Internships. Faculty are eligible for Curriculum Development Program Academic Projects, or partnering on other projects with core institutions.

Private College and Universities

Annual Fee

Must be a private, not for profit college or university based in Iowa and offer STEM and/or preservice STEM education degrees.

Affiliation Process

Formal letter for application submitted to director for review. Director will put appropriate requests forward to Executive Committee for vote.


Listed as an ISGC affiliate with networking authorities. Provide one primary point of contact/campus coordinator for representation with ISGC main office. Partnerships with core institution on activities, events and outreach that align with ISGC’s mission. Students may apply for Undergraduate Merit
Scholarships, Preservice STEM Educator Scholarships, and Internships. Faculty are eligible for Curriculum Development  Program, Academic Projects, or
partnering on other projects with core institutions.

Non-R1 Universities

Annual Fee

Must be R2, R3 or M1 (Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Ed)


Listed as an ISGC core institution with full networking authorities. Two representatives on the ISGC Executive Committee will each have full voting rights. May participate in all activities, events and outreach that align with ISGC’s mission. Students may apply for Undergraduate Research Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships, Preservice STEM Educator Scholarships, Internships, and Student Hand-on projects. Faculty are eligible for ISGC Faculty funding, Curriculum Development Program and Base Programs (competition is conducted by each Core Institution.

R1 Core Institution Affiliation

Annual Fee

Classified as an R1 Doctoral Institution (Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Ed)


Listed as an ISGC core institution with full networking authorities. Two representatives on the ISGC Executive Committee will each have full voting rights. May participate in all activities, events and outreach that align with ISGC’s mission. Students may apply for Undergraduate Research Fellowships, Undergraduate Merit Scholarships, Preservice STEM Educator Scholarships, Graduate Fellowships, Internships and Student’s Hands-on projects. Faculty are eligible for the ISGC Faculty funding opportunities, Curriculum Development Program and Base Programs (competition is conducted by each Core Institution).


For all community colleges and private 4-year universities that desire affiliation with NASA Iowa Space Grant Consortium, a formal letter requesting affiliation will be submitted to the director. This letter will include rationale for acceptance of the applicant as an ISGC academic affiliate. The rationale should highlight the points included within the “Critera for Selection” listed below.

The director will present the request to the Executive Committee. The committee will vote on the affiliation (director, associate director, assistant director, and program coordinator will not vote). A 60% affirmative vote will be required for affiliation.

The director and program coordinator will work with all new affiliates to ensure that all grant
requirements are met, and business offices will certify agreement. The affiliation period for all academic affiliates (not including core institutions) will be concurrent with the NASA grant period (including extensions as applicable). Affiliations formed within a grant period will continue into subsequent grant periods unless the academic affiliate or Executive Committee request removal through notification to the ISGC director.

Criteria for Selection:

To qualify for acceptance as an ISGC Academic Affiliate the applicant must demonstrate that they have:

  • Faculty that can serve as a liaison with ISGC and which has a capacity to serve the consortium
    and support the ISGC and NASA missions
  • STEM programming that aligns with the ISGC and NASA missions, in support of STEM employees
    or STEM education programs
  • A pool of students that may qualify for scholarships, fellowships, or internships
  • Faculty that have committed to mentor students that are accepted in the undergraduate
    research fellowship program
  • Capacity to provide match when appropriate
  • An articulation agreement with a core institution, if a community college

* Items included within solicitations may vary per grant cycle dependent upon NASA priorities and release of NASA funding opportunities.

How to become affiliated

If interested in becoming an industrial or academic affiliate, please contact the ISGC office for application assistance. We look forward to learning more about your organization!